If China becomes democratic, would you be okay with China replacing the US as a global superpower?
If China becomes democratic, would you be okay with China replacing the US as a global superpower?
I mean like:
- Chinese (Edit: Mandarin Chinese) will become the lingua franca of the world
- The Internation Aviation Language will (probably) become Chinese (replacing Aviation English)
- Lunar New year becomes a popular holiday (like Chrismas is currently popular worldwide)
- The Internet will use mostly Chinese Chracter
- And instead of 26 Latin based characters, you'll have to learn thousands of characters, imagine that 😅 (or just use a translator tool 🤷♂️)
- There would be a China version of Hollywood, taking over the original Hollywood
- Fengshui becomes a thing that the world starts to care about
- UN Headquarters now located in Shanghai (I'm guessing this is the most "international" city in China, right?)
- Boeing is dead, some Chinese airplane manufacturer now dominates, competing with Airbus.
- Baidu is default search engine (now with less censorship due to democrarization)
- Harmony OS (Huawei's Android fork) become the new "Apple", iPhone is now insignificant, ranking below Motorola in terms of market share.
- Either Windows get brought by some Chinese Bussiness person, or there China makes a Linux distribution that starts off as Open Source with some proprietary components (like how Android is), then eventually becoming Closed Source once they overtake Windows. Lets call it PandaOS (I'm not creative with names 'mmkay)
- etc...
Sounds like an interesting world 🤔
What do you think?
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I don't care which country is the global super power as long as it adhere to the liberal world order and all that comes with it.
I want to leave in peace, enjoy my human rights and not have to worry about other countries using arms to push their will.But also: a lot of those points have nothing to do with who the global super power is
Appendix: maybe I was vague but my answer is that as long as the super power follows the rule-based order (as it is supposed to be obviously) it doesn't matter who that super power is. China, Russia, USA, Albania, the Vatican, Congo, w/e.
Understand that might does not make right and follow the same rules as the lesser states and I'm happy.A lot of people in the global south might say they don't want it to adhere to the "liberal world order"
You're speaking from a position of privilege, and suggesting that you should keep your privilege
I don't care. The question was if I was okay with China as the super power and my answer is that it don't matter as long as it adheres to the liberal world order.
Get off your high horse.
"I'm on board with change in the global order as long as we maintain hegemony"
very valuable contribution thank you
Hegemony of whom? Lame ass comment
Hummm the “liberal world order” is 100% “countries” using arms to push their will. Countries being “the west”.
And YOU having “human rights” is not really dependent on the “liberal world order”. Most of your rights were won by blood and tears during the late 1800s and early 1900s, through popular movements mostly ideologically aligned first with anarchism then with communism.
Also, the vast majority of the world not having human rights and being colonized and exploited IS your “liberal world order”.
So not really sure how you specifically benefit from western imperialism, unless you are a billionaire ofc. Which I highly doubt.
adhere to the liberal world order
And YOU having “human rights” is not really dependent on the “liberal world order”. Most of your rights were won by blood and tears during the late 1800s and early 1900s, through popular movements mostly ideologically aligned first with anarchism then with communism.
You are correct in that the liberal world order is an effect of previous hardwon freedoms. What is your point? The LIO makes sure that if my government tries to take these freedoms from me it invokes international support. So a malicious government will not only have to deal with domestic pushback, but international as well.
Also, the vast majority of the world not having human rights and being colonized and exploited IS your “liberal world order”.
..which is why these countries are under sanctions for example. Take Venezuela as a case. But yes, the postcolonial debate is ongoing.
Lmao vuvuzela ok gotcha
Oh sorry, didn't look at your instance. I realize now that you just wanted to shit on the liberal world order, not make a point
Boom got'em
But also: a lot of those points have nothing to do with who the global super power is
I mean, Americanization of the world was helped by the fact that US became a global superpower.
Absolutely, soft power is definitely relevant.