Distro swapping is a rite of passage. The grass is always greener. Until you settle and stopped caring about the OS at all. Which is why I went back to Windows (7 at the time) mainly for gaming compatibility.
Proton got me hnnng tho I'll definitely be giving either Endeavor or OpenSuse a go when I build my next computer. Rolling distro sounds like a "set it and forget it" thing and I like that.
Installing a new distro feels so good to me, makes me happy. I love messing with the settings and stuff, trying a new desktop environment messing with the native apps. Man I love it.
I'm using OpenSuse's Gecko with rolling release. It's beautiful.
Garuda linux. I'm running the dragonized gaming distro and have fallen in love with it. A buddy turned me on to it a few months back and it's perfect. Runs all my steam games through proton like a champ.
I got everything working great in Fedora with Proton, even my nvidia drivers. Then, a buddy had an idea that we all get and play MWII, which can not run in proton, now I'm back to windows