The law isn't about morality or social good or promoting the general order; it's about power and who wields it. The law is fundamentally a vehicle through which those who stand atop social hierarchies can command, exploit, and do violence to those less powerful. A CEO can kill tens of thousands of Americans every year with a pen and that isn't murder: a coal company can poison generations and that isn't murder: a police department can force homeless people to flee from place to place until they die from exposure and that isn't murder. The law exists to protect and promote the interests of the powerful, because that is what legal systems are designed to do.
You're right. In fact, it wasn't a human at all! It was St. Michael the Archangel himself, personally coming down from on high to smite the wicked and the greedy! It's not Luigi's fault that he just happens to look a bit like St. Michael!
TL;DR: It is most effective to plant seeds of doubt when reasonable, and legitimate ones. For this particular case, it would be the fact that the eyebrows don't match between pictures, the police said they had found the backpack in NY only to then say they found him with his backpack at McDonalds, the fact that Luigi claims shit was planted on him and the police have a running history of planting evidence to suit their needs, etc.
You’re absolutely right, I was conflating the manhunt and trial.
The faces don’t match, and keeping the gun would be my reasonable doubt. No reason to keep something you can print again anytime. The police’s history speaks for itself, no verdict