Publishers are absolutely terrified "preserved video games would be used for recreational purposes," so the US copyright office has struck down a major effort for game preservation
Which is why I bought a 16 bit [8 bit] Nintendo system a year ago with Super Mario / Duck Hunt and Tetris .... I also bought a little 14" CRT TV that I can plug in to play everything like I did when I was ten years old.
I spent hours and hours having fun with it back then ... I'm having hours and hours of fun with it now.
Correction: I have an 8bit not a 16bit game system
Right you are Ken .... I goofed because I never understood in then as a kid and seldom remember it as an adult ... the original unit I have is an 8bit Nintendo system ... but I've also been on the lookout for the 16 bit SNES and I hope to get one eventually (my favourite on that unit was F-Zero)
If you want an SNES that's going to take a while, but it's definitely findable. If you want a device that can play SNES cartridges (along with many others) look into getting a Retron. It's got NES, SNES, GBA, Genesis, Famicom, Super Famicom, and Gameboy plus a place to plug in those old controllers.