Donald Trump has tempted evangelical Christians just as Satan tempted Jesus — except this time it worked
Evangelical Christians have fallen prey to the temptations offered by Donald Trump, similar to those faced by Jesus in the desert. Trump has offered evangelicals wealth, protection, and power, leading them away from the teachings of Jesus and closer to the path set forth by the devil. The evangelical church has submitted to Trump, moving further from the values of serving the poor, healing the sick, and loving neighbors.
Trump is a truly vile person. The recent Epstein tapes detail how he'd arrange extra-marital affairs for his "friends" so he could tell their wives about it and get them to cheat with him in revenge. Apparently one of his kinks was banging his "friend's" wives.
Even Epstein the pedo thinks Trump is a notably horrible person.
That's who Evangelical Christians are supporting, who they claim was saved by God to lead America. It boggles the mind.
They organize around hate, and there's lots of things they hate.
And not coincidentally, that's organized around tribalism and out-groups. But there's way more than race that they identify as and hate "outsiders" for.