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Hardwired - the book that inspired Cyberpunk 2020 Hardwired is Classic Cyberpunk at its Best – Neon Dystopia

Those of you who had the opportunity to read our interview with Mike Pondsmith, already know that one of the major inspirations for the classic cyberpunk game, Cyberpunk 2020, was the novel Hardwired. And this was for good reason. Outside of Neuromancer this is one of the best examples of classic cy...

Hardwired is Classic Cyberpunk at its Best – Neon Dystopia

In my opinion, it perfects what Neuromancer and the Sprawl Trilogy introduced, with more sociopolitical commentary and things to say, and far better character work. If you're looking to scratch the same itch as Edgerunners, this needs to be your next read. The best part? It's short.


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  • I had no idea Cyberpunk was inspired by this book. I once listened to it on audiobook when I was on a big binge of Cyberpunk stories a few years back. I'll be honest I don't remember a super amount of it, it sorta merges with the others I listened to then a little bit, but I do remember enjoying it at least. I did like the idea of the orbitals (well I don't if that was reality but you get what I mean..), powerful corporations that live in space rather than bother with Earth, which does feel like a path we could go down.. The "rock war" too intrigued me because I remember I had only just read about tungsten rods possibly being used in space in that way a little while before listening to the book.
    I never ended up getting the sequels though, I don't remember even seeing them until now, I think the book ended pretty well from what I remember.