All undecided voters in a U.S. swing states focus group hosted by pollster Frank Luntz said President Biden should be replaced as the Democratic nominee after watching his first presidential debate against former President Trump.
Nate Silver and the NYT editorial board have both called for Biden to step down.
By every metric Biden is performing significantly-worse compared to his 2020 run against Trump. Biden needs to step down now while we have time.
This gives a huge opportunity for Democrats to take back the narrative and inject some excitement into nominating a fresh, younger, face. Free viral media attention would go on every day until the election and Democrats can turn around and say, "we listened to the electorate's concerns on age, are responding." Meanwhile the Republican propaganda machine wouldn't have prepared talking-points lined up.
Finally, look, I voted for Biden and I'd vote for a corpse if it came down to it, but it's not me you have to convince. We elected Biden because he said he'd take the fight to the bully. He's not the Teddy Roosevelt fighter we need to push a bully back. He's not convincing ANY battleground state swing-voters with a performance like that which will resonate over any subsequent teleprompter speeches he may give thereafter.
Edit: Hey folks, if you have the energy to down-vote, would you mind mustering a bit more to actually put your convictions to the test and discuss with me? I can otherwise only conclude you've got no substantive rebuttal and this is denial acting out. I'd appreciate it. Thank you.
Man I've never seen media like this. I've watched:
2 different NYT podcasts
Jon Stewart's comments
Kari Couric's discussion.
NPR's post-debate
Washington Week's round-table, led by The Atlantic editor-in-chief
Pod Save America (former Obama/Biden staffers)
Silver's analysis.
... And the sentiment behind Biden stepping down is vast. Talk behind closed-doors is that US House Democrats are extremely worried about their races given downballot effect.
I think it must be done or I'd absolutely bet on Trump winning in November, sadly.
Democrats haven't found someone who they want to be their next standard bearer because no one gets into politics because they want to change nothing anymore.