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102 children aged 13 in Nebraska and 7 other states were found working in slaughterhouses, doing overnight shifts, cleaning kill blades on the kill floor. 3 children sustained chemical burns from acid

Since the Sanitation Services Inc employed by the slaughterhouses got fined for this, Arkansas under Huckabee signed a law removing requirements to verify ages of anyone working under 16. Aka no one is liable if children are working in slaughterhouses and getting chemical burns.

Here's a picture of one of the kids.


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  • @Blursty @sam If we started putting in jail, those who profit from this; the company presidents/board members and the company that contracts them out… it would STOP

    • Lol no it wouldn't. The only thing that will stop this is the moving on from capitalism. There is no world under capitalism where these people are thrown in jail, at least not for long.