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Recap Monday: What did you play this week?

How did it go? Any recommendations?


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  • I finally got to play Age of Steam for the first time, on the Southern US map. I can see why so many people go all in on this game. I'd probably buy my own copy of it was easily available, and I had room.

    On Saturday, I started with Decrypto. It's a fun team game, and quite newbie friendly. I also played a little game called Red Flags, a silly party game similar to Cards Against Humanity.

    Libertalia (Winds of Galecrest) was a blast, and it wasn't too difficult to teach to new players. It's one of my favourites, and I highly recommend it.

    The final game I played was Bunny Kingdom. I like the drafting mechanics, but I felt the scoring was a little fiddly.