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Screwdrivers Now Permitted On Boeing Flights, To Allow Passengers To Help With Maintenance Screwdrivers Now Permitted On Boeing Flights, To Allow Passengers To Help With Maintenance — The Shovel

Travellers on Boeing 737 flights will be allowed to bring on-board screwdrivers, drills and any other tools deemed necessary to keep the doors from flying off.

Screwdrivers Now Permitted On Boeing Flights, To Allow Passengers To Help With Maintenance — The Shovel

(This is good news for people who trust Boeing more than medical workers. You can bring your own screwdriver.)

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The serious narrative is shocking:

A Boeing mechanic failed to tighten the bolts on a door-size "cabin plug" that blew out on an Alaska Air 737Max flight. The aircraft had cabin pressure warnings onboard for some time, so instead of investigating/fixing, the airline simply 'restricted' the plane from 'long flights over water' so it could land quickly. No joke.


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