In a case that had drawn international attention, Brittany Watts had been charged with abuse of a corpse after miscarrying and disposing of the nonviable fetus.
In a lengthy statement outlining the case and prosecution timeline, Dennis Watkins, the Trumbull County prosecutor, said that his office had found that Ms. Watts had not violated the law as claimed in the initial compliant and that it disagreed with a lower court’s application of the law after interviewing witnesses “and researching and applying the law.”
Last month, Mr. Watkins said his office was “duty bound” to follow Ohio law and move forward with a grand jury proceeding after Judge Terry Ivanchak of Municipal Court found probable cause for the grand jury review to proceed.
Last month, Mr. Watkins said his office was “duty bound” to follow Ohio law and move forward with a grand jury proceeding after Judge Terry Ivanchak of Municipal Court found probable cause for the grand jury review to proceed.
At some point, the more important duty becomes to refuse to cooperate with even "lawful" christofascist tyranny. The "just following orders" excuse didn't work for Nazi concentration camp guards, and I'm not so sure it works for these judicial officials either!