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Any advice for trying to get back into music after 20 years?

From 3rd grade(ish) up through senior year of high school, I was fairly into music. I was in both band and orchestra, and played numerous instruments as well as piano. I was never really great, but was proficient enough and played in a few community orchestras as well for fun. When I went off the college, I kind of dropped it and haven't touched an instrument in a long time.

By chance recently, I acquired a free upright piano. I thought it would be nice to have around for the kids (since fooling around on a piano is what got me into music myself when I was young). Side note: this plan is somewhat succeeding.

Anyway, it's pretty apparent to me that I literally forgot everything I knew. I used to know a few pieces from memory, but that's just like gone from my brain. I tried pulling out my viola, but my hands don't seem to remember where they go to the point that I probably need finger tape again.

Has anyone else come back to music after not playing for a long time? Any tips?


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