I’m a certified computer expert, but I sound like a Luddite when it comes to anything mainstream.
I thought it was pretty well known that the magnitude of one’s ludditism related to their computing expertise as a U-shaped curve. That is, (actual) experts and non-experts are equally Luddite. It’s the mediocre and peri- technologists that drive hype. Right?
Hah, I haven't heard that analogy before, but I see what it's getting at. I wouldn't say it's a rule to live by, but as you learn more about technology you (usually) also learn more about its constant abuse and its critical flaws.
It’s the mediocre and peri- technologists that drive hype. Right?
I'm not sure exactly who you mean, but never believe the hype:
Steve Jobs didn't know shit about computers and took the fame from people who did, just like Edison and Musk.
Most people studied in machine learning hate the term "Artificial Intelligence", it's a marketing gimmick used by marketing.
There's a similar, but lesser, sentiment in security being called "cyber".
Anything saying "better privacy" or "more secure" without giving a specific threat scenario (like, more secure against [x] attack) - they don't know shit. Privacy and security are not linear values you can have more or less of.
Internet of Things ('smart devices') is a privacy and security NIGHTMARE, and we've known that since day 1. Companies don't care. It's easy money.
If you can't (hypothetically) run it yourself, you're the product.