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[DEV] Introducing the Gnoll Geomancer!

The gnoll geomancer is the source of all the earth-moving magic in the upcoming gnoll variant of Shattered Pixel Dungeon's caves quest. You'll find the geomancer taking a literal dirt nap initially, but expect to deal with a lot of moving earth once you've gotten its attention!

We're still a ways out from a beta for the next update, but there should hopefully be a blog post in about a week.


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  • I have a small suggestion

    Is it possible to bring slight changes to rewards screen based on the variants?

    For example; gnoll variant should offer a reward like higher tier wands, or enchanted weapon with blooming or camouflage assured? Just a rough idea for rewards but the main point is to have some new rewards to spend points across all 3 variants after finishing the quest

    • None of the other quests vary their rewards based on the content like this, and doing something like that might make people choose to ignore the quest if the rewards don't match their build.