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Which RPG is on your wishlist?

Which RPG(s) have you always wanted to play but could never find a group that was interested?

Some of mine are Space 1889 and GURPS Discworld


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  • I am very curious about Shadow of the Demon Lord. But my group is "hard done" with pure fantasy settings, so it will probably take a lot of time until I can propose it.

    I hope we could one day play CBR+PNK one day when someone can't make the date.

    And Neon City Overdrive looks interesting.

    • What are you guys playing now?

      • Shadowrun using my (still not complete :/) Savage Worlds hack/supplement. In all supplements I found there was always something that I didn't like. But I should have accepted it and moved on instead of dabbling in game design, it took me a lot of time that should have been spent on planning the campaign.

        • Yeah I'm stuck in that black hole currently. But it turned into designing an entire game from the ground up. It started in 2016 and I'm still not done.

          • Yeah, it's a lot of work even before you can move into testing. Fortunately I did not have to think about probability curves that much, only grasp the core idea of an existing system :)

      • I'm using 'Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game' ruleset: I use watabou's tool for inspiration: