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TomGirl Term

Why is nobody using the term TomGirl ?


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  • It's mostly because they prefer the term that reaffirms their male identities, the term Tomgirl doesn't really, it implies that they are actually girls which for most femboys isn't true.

    • But for the Girls is TomBoy more fine ? On YouTube you can find a lot of TomBoy Fashion Tips for and from straight Woman's

      • Yeah English language is weird, I feel like the term Tomgirl would make more sense for girls that like to be masculine but for some reason it isn't like that 🤷.

        I do know that many femboys I have met say that the term tomgirl feels demeaning and also in recent times with egg culture and the idea that femboys are just trans girls in-denial (a really toxic and dismissive mindset) it can feel quite invalidating to many as it implies they aren't really male despite identifying as male. This same thing doesn't happen as much on the other side with tomboys, because gender stereotypes are a double standard, which seems to be why it's more accepted. Misogyny probably also plays a big part in the reasoning behind the naming scheme as well.

        • I get what you mean i'm also a subset of enby but when we speak about Tomboys or Tomgirls i actually mean the appearance and the look, so for me its not a identity or gender. But its funny to see that exist for Feminine People guides how to dress more Masculine and for Masculine People you can't find guides how to dress more Feminine i thing it just would be a healthy thing for everybody.