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Lemmy and the Fediverse give me faith in humanity

It feels like this is how social media and the Internet should have been all along. Truly run for the interest and good of humanity, and out of the hands of corporate control and profiteering. People, out of their own generosity and goodwill, host their own instances and let others use it for free. It's such an awesome example of humans helping each other and working to create abundance for everyone to enjoy.

I believe that everyone putting their time, money, and effort into building up the Fediverse - the developers, server owners, mods, and everyone else who keeps it alive and interesting - is helping to make the Internet (and by extension, the world) a better place. You all are awesome. Keep up the amazing work.

Also hi, I'm new here. I found out about Lemmy today, and I was so intrigued that I spent all day learning about it lol.


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  • I'm very curious how this type of platform might perform under mass adoption. If it started getting anywhere close to reddit level traffic I'm sceptical how well the more popular instances would scale, and how the people that can currently afford to run them would be able to afford the infrastructure needed to keep up with millions of users.

    • there will be updates to help with scaling, but also in general we should be trending to smaller home instances and working to integrate meta-community features IMO. Its generally easy and affordable to run a server for oneself and a couple thousand users. Its when you grow well beyond these scales that things become an issue.

      There is not a ton of value to being on a large instance, esp as the federation code gets smoothed out.

      • Part of the problem will be how to make new users understand this, though. Lots of people will be coming from something like reddit where they'll just want to sign up through a popular instance and likely won't fully understand what that means.

        More advanced users will understand this, but it's not then I would be worried about.

      • I was interested in hosting my own Lemmy server, but how would it work for getting a few thousand users?

        • how would they discover it? I just picked a server that seemed popular, and I'm already wondering about defederation/etc. I don't feel like I'd want to make more than a few different accounts, and I'd probably only actively use one or two, tops
        • would I be responsible for moderating my users? What if they post spam/worse to other instances? What if they're just nasty to others? I wouldn't want my instance to be de-federated. (Though maybe as you get more users, more of them are willing to be moderators)

        Besides those issues though, it's awesome to hear that normal people's servers could support a few thousand users. I'm sure there's a person interested in self-hosting among every few thousand people.

        Apologies if this is a basic federation question. I considered hosting a matrix instance once, but then I heard it consumed a ton of hard drive space* as you join popular rooms. And I wasn't sure how it would work if I shared it with some friends, they shared it with some friends, and so-on, and then someone did something bad.

        *RE hard drive space, this won't be a problem when I host something at home, but right now I'm just paying $10/year for a KVM server that I'm using to share hobby web projects with some friends. It has limited storage space.

        • Step 1 is to run an instance, step 2 is to engage across multiple instances using your instance account, step 3 partner with other servers, post on groups, basically advertise, step 4 SEO things.

          Also, every chance I get i advocate for people to find smaller instances they like and not to overload whats popular or big as there is little advantage to it.

          I expect growth to be similar to every other forum ive ever run, so far federation has made it a bit easier i think to get noticed.

    • I'm bit of a noob on how this all works, but isn't it possible to ddos instance to oblivion? As everything grows, there will be conflicts, bad actors, demand of sensorship and reactions to taken actions.

      Right now we are a small village with communal spirit that hardly ever needs its sheriff.

      • Oh, for sure. And that's on the instance owner to understand how to mitigate, and it's not cheap to do for instances with large amounts of traffic.