I have ~1000 native plants in pots that I've grown from seed. Any ideas on the best way to either sell them or get rid of them? Collaborations with organizations, etc.?
All seeds harvested within 100 miles and in same ecoregion. I have a nursery license and have sold some (at cost) at a few yard sales, but am looking to sell more or do a plant giveaway before winter. Have been looking for examples of others doing this and haven't found much. Want to ensure people buying them/taking them actually plant them and have some education. Any ideas would be appreciated.
The extras my fam would not take, I just planted them around my neighborhood. Of course this was just a few of them. There are tons of folks who like free stuff too. You could put them in a box at a local park saying they are free. Made a post on reddit about some extras I had and 10+ people were asking me for them