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Can't see my post on profile and all of the answers to it.

I've posted this on /c/gaming. When I go to my profile and select "posts" it doesn't show anything. Also, a lot of people where kind enough to answer me, a replied and none of those comments show. The post has 52 comments and I can see maybe 5 of them (and none of my replies).

I've tried on the site and now on jeroboa, no difference.

Also, I can see the replies on my notifications but after clicking they won't show on the full comments on the post.

Am I doing something wrong?


You're viewing a single thread.

  • Check in your settings if you selected languages there. You should enable there Undetermined (i.e. posts that are not tagged with a language) and whatever language you would like to see (e.g. English).

    • Thanks. I've checked and undetermined is enabled.

      • So it didn't solve the problem? Is English enabled too?

        • Hey thank you very much! Didn't knew that could make multiple choices. It's not obvious at all. Now I ctrl+ choosed english, undetermined and my native language and can see everything! Thank you very much for your support.

          • You're welcome! I agree with you. Maybe someone opens an issue on Github, because this happens quite frequently.