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Tell us about unpopular games you love, or even just appreciate some aspects of, contrary to the inteenet hivemind?

And what specifically makes it special, appealing, or interesting to you?


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  • I've always believed that Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts deserves way more love than it got. I can understand it may have been just a the wrong time (and not what fans were hoping for with a BK revival at the time) but the core vehicle building gameplay and physics are so much fun to play around with.

    I've beaten the game a few times over now, and each time I try to challenge myself to make wilder vehicles than before. Or sometimes avoid making a vehicle entirely and attempting to make some sort of contraption machine. The music is some incredible work from Grant Kirkhope and Robin Beanland, bringing in a more modern but still very Banjo sound to the game.

    I think now with the game being nearly 15 years behind us now, if you have GamePass please do yourself a favor and give it a try with an open mind! It may not be for everyone, but the building mechanics were pretty ahead of their time for 2008! You may just find a new favorite game :)

    • They really did this game dirty by teasing it as Banjo-Kazooie 3. Probably the biggest reason why it failed, even though it was a pretty cool game.

      Would really love a PC version of it as well.

      • Totally agree. I figured all of Rare Replay would have come to PC by now but maybe someday...

        • Every game releases on PC at some point, whether through emulation or not is up to the developers/publishers. :D