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For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make?

I'm wondering if it's financially worth it to cover the $5/mo membership.

I post Medium articles fairly regularly, and each email update shows I get ~500 reads total.

Is that enough to cover the $5/mo? Would it be a wise financial risk?

Are people willing to share their readership and total MMR?

Edit: shouldn't have shared my financial situation; was interested in data/advice only.


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  • I almost never got anything useful out of medium. It's kinda mediocre. The best people usually don't give their texts to a company like medium for almost nothing. They usually have their own websites.

    • My favorite quote from the interwebs about is “they call it medium because it’s rare to find anything well-done there.”

    • The thing about medium is that it's a trusted domain + mailing list + blog + search engine in one. All you have to do is sign up and start writing, for free.

      Sure you can have your own domain, and spin up a cheap VPS which has WordPress or other blogging software, customize and setup the share buttons and theme and other plugins, pay MailChimp or another trusted relay to actually inbox your emails, use Google Analytics or some open source complex privacy-focused analytics, and then set up your advertisements or some scheme to contact you for article product placement if you actually want to make money from it. If you're really good and knowledgeable in your field. That's a lot of time invested and very expensive relatively (compared to free).

      I think a lot of people just want to share their knowledge, getting paid pennies for page views comes second to that.

      • Or you can use something like Squarespace or Wix and have a fully functioning website with everything you need in a few hours and start monetizing your views with ads. Both start at $16 a month so it’s a larger hill to climb sure but you get custom branding and don’t have to deal with the baggage of a Medium page (largely that it’s considered in many circles an untrustworthy source for pretty much any topic mainly because of how easy and barrier free it is to write there. They also have a pretty well established history of working to screw over contributors to profit off of your work including you automatically giving a full license to medium for everything you post).

        If all you want is a newsletter though without a webpage to back it you can setup something in mailchimp with a custom domain (.coms start at about $10 from cloudflare). Again an hour or so of reading and configuring and you’re on your way, with an Adsense account you can even embed inline ads to your newsletter.