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  • Woo we have full employment because everyone is so poor they are working three jobs! /s

    This is why people don't take Democrats seriously. Too much crowing about bullshit like this.

    It's like the ACA, they crowed about how many more Americans were now insured, but they didn't talk about how universal healthcare would mean you don't need to cover everyone with "insurance" anymore.

    Just like a few years ago when they crowed about how a thanksgiving dinner was like $3 less than the year before.

    It's all public relations propaganda bullshit.

    The parties aren't the same, but they serve the same masters of capital who only want to see US citizens getting scraps. Democrats love to pat themselves on the back for the bare minimum for their citizens. They know they don't have to try because the other party literally wants to kill their political enemies. Not hard to sell yourself as "better" when it is as simple as "we aren't actively trying to kill you like they are, but we will let you starve to death or die of medical complications."

    "Because we are capitalists and that's that.". -Nancy Pelosi