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Recap Monday Week 24: what did you play last week?

Any tips, recommendations, warnings or cool sessions you played last week?


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  • Played a few good ones this past week.

    • Beast - 4 Players. This was our first time playing. I played as a beast (Hogbad) and was slain by the hunters on the 3rd Day. Would definitely play again.
    • Dark Venture: Battle of the Ancients - Solo. Very excited to play this a ton more. Plays solo, co-op, and competitive. I did the first scenario in the solo campaign a few times to get some of the basic concepts, and because the Auto-Enemy Bohmerk kept killing my Varpen warriors.
    • Wingspan - 2 Players. Always a relaxing, enjoyable experience. I won this time, which is rare.
    • I really should try dark venture, I like scifi and it seems nice with almost any number of players. So you can decide before play if it is competitive or coop?

      • Yeah, you decide beforehand. There are different map setups based on which type of game you'll be playing.

        If you want to try it, order quick. Think they're just about out of copies (expansions already gone).

        • Sounds really cool! Damn bad time to buy, I am planing to move soon and don’t want to add more games… ohh the temptation!