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Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of October 1st

Scary edition of the weekly thread 👻

What have you been playing!

I've been playing the re4 dlc! And, on the other end of the spectrum, the original yoshis island, as I had never finished it before.


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  • I jumped back into Diablo 3 for its season 29, and holy shit, it seems so ridiculously easy in comparison to Diablo 4, at least in regards to leveling up. It's taken me less than a fourth of the time in D3 to get to level 100 plus 15 paragon levels, compared to me getting to only level 85 in D4 (which I'm also still working on). I don't know if it's because I've played so much of D3 that I'm just that efficient and I haven't quite got the hang of D4 yet, or if it's something else, but man, going back and forth between the two is kind of a trip. It also makes me really miss having a pet to run around and pick up gold for me lol.

    I also finally finished The Sinking City again last night. I was kinda procrastinating by leaving a lot of the side quests for end, especially since I knew which ending I was going with. Got some pretty great screenshots out of it! It's one of those games that I wish came with a capture mode.