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Beehaw is serving full size user avatars

Not sure if this is the best place to post this. But it looks like Beehaw isn't resizing user avatars.

I don't want to point out specific examples, because i'm not trying to call out any individual user here, but the home page currently has multiple cases of user avatars that are multiple megabytes in size.

As far as i can tell, they should be atomatically resized to 96x96 pixels, and on other lemmy instances they are, but here they are being served full size, that includes posts and comments by beehaw users to other instances.

Figured I should say something since I noticed it, bandwidth isn't free, and 10s of MBs just for user avatars is a lot for someone on a slow connection.


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  • Can you DM me a few of the specific examples please?

    Might be related to the caching were trying to do which is supposed to be reducing the bandwidth bot increasing it.

    • I've sent you one of the worst instances (~10mb avatar), however i'm guessing you've resolved this since i'm no longer seeing the issue.