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Furry Wahots

If you could live as your fursona in an anthro version of our world, but it had to be sometime in the past, what year or era would you pick?


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  • I could image myself in the early days of the wild west exploration but also in a time like 1790 in the age of sail or even earlier. But I also could image myself living in the 60s, 70s or 80s.

    I'm still envy if I read about Jack Aubrey (yeah fictional character, but most stories are based on real reports) or from Friedrich Erdmann.

    There was a time you could explore the world, ask in a harbour to help unload some vessel and have a few bucks in your hand to spend with ease.

    No idea how long I could last as a farewell slutty cheetah before I may catch a illness or meet some quite violent anthos and being pushed over. Otherwise my life for now is quite boring and I feel trapped in bureaucracy of modern life.