TIL that in DuckDuckGo !g in front of your previous search will run it in Google
So til that if you use DuckDuckGo search engine, and you're not happy with the result and want to run the previous search through Google, instead of copying your search, then heading to Google, then pasting your previous search, you can just add !g to front of your search in DuckDuckGo and that will auto direct you to Google and run that search for you!
Its amazing, I work in the IT industry, I love exploring different areas of tech, but the concept of bangs in a search engine has never come up haha. I've seen not ever really used them in a terminal when forgetting to run a command as sudo
Firefox also allows to make them for different search fields, e.g. if I write pic and then my querry, it brings me images.google.com results. Kinda nice if bangs don't cover your usecases.
If you bookmark a URL you can add %s to the URL somewhere to add a query. If you the use a keyword on the bookmark (the bottom field, usually) you can do [keyword] term and it'll replace the %s with term