If there's any new Lemmy users here, coming from Reddit (feel like I'm opening a seance), and if you're wondering what else you might decide to change during this era of change -
Try Linux! It's easy now, and frankly just better :)
I came 1.5 years ago when reddit fucked up big. Read about Linux here a lot, but not engaged much with it. But since I can't make the switch to Windows 11 I tryed out Linux Mint two weeks ago. Haven't booted into Windows since then, but for one game i have to start using a mod Manager and that won't run in Linux. Every other game I play, even with mods, works just fine. It's fucking cool. And it's so damn nice that I can decide exactly how it looks and feels. So, thanks for that Lemmy.
The problem is that I play it exclusively in Multiplayer and my buddy and me have to start it with the same mods and trough the same mod manager. I get the manager to run using wine or bottles, but I I can't click the play game button.
Sounds like a nuisance to get working so I don't blame you for dual booting but it sounds it probably doesn't know how to find the location of the binary it should be running.
Yes, I'm new to Lemmy, ex-Reddit, and now I'm looking at what else I can do. I ran Linux Mint on an old laptop for many years, but that was when I was still working and I also had a company laptop on Windows if I needed it. So now I'm retired and currently I only have a refurbished Lenovo with Win 10, which goes out of support soon. I suppose I could do dual boot on that machine, but I'd rather have Windows in a VM for the rare occasions when I can't get something to run in Wine. I have no idea where I'd buy a copy of Win 11, but presumably Microsoft have a store.