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Recap Monday - Week 23

What did you play in the last week. Recommendations, warnings and experiences are all intersting!


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    • The Toledo War - Two player Schotten-Totten style fun, quick card game from Amabel Holland @ Hollandspiele about the historical conditions of Michigan becoming a state. Was the free game giveaway for their 2019 Holiday Sale. Played a couple rounds before everyone arrived.

    • Land and Freedom: The Spanish Civil War - Three players (max). Currently, my favorite game. The Semi-Cooperative nature of it is fantastic. You have to work together with your political opponents to defeat the fascists. Unfortunately, we lost at the beginning of Year 3 this round.

    • 7 Wonders Duel - Two players. First time playing, but neither of us cared much for it.

    • Cat in the Box: Deluxe Edition - Two player variant. First time playing with only two. Usually love this game, but there aren't enough interesting things going on in the two-player version in my opinion and probably will stick to 3+ players from now on.

    • Oh wow, a game about the spanish civil war. Its an interesting concept. So the facist are controlled by the game? (Are you spanish?)

      • Yeah, the game controls the fascist Falange/Carlists via Event Cards which happen every turn. The three player factions are Anarcho-Syndicalists, Communists, and Moderates. Each has their own priorities, but ultimately if you don't work together the fascists will win. I highly recommend checking out some videos on it. The YT channel Homo Ludens has a Tabletop Sim play-through with the designer helping as they play.

        I'm not Spanish, though did just visit!