How much of this conversation is just hallucination?
Language works when we think the same, connecting the words to the same meanings and such. But that never actually happens 100%. It might be closer to 80%. (or if it's a strange subject, 15%)
So this "conversation" that we're having here is, to some degree, not actually happening.
But we pretend that it is.
So how much are we pretending? How much of the conversation is hallucinatory conversation?
A friend of mine, back when we got stoned a lot, had an idea that language, or words, are magic. Stringing together incantations to share thoughts is a neat way of thinking about it. Especially because we're just jello trapped in a mecha made of bone and meat. It's surprising there's not more hallucinations to be honest.
It’s surprising there’s not more hallucinations to be honest.
If you wanna hear about my personal belief system:
The world is all magic. Magic is older than science or rational thinking. However, science is a special product of magic. Think of Magic as a factory that just randomly produces one special object, and that is science.
Science is like a stable island, which spans the whole Earth in space, and approximately 400 years in time, starting somewhere in the 17th century and extending through the 21st century. Where the rational laws of physics prevail. Outside of that, you might as well stop rational thinking, because it's not gonna help you. It's all schamanic, right-brain-half thinking outside of that. And the incantations that we call language are a part of that.
I have had a similar thought. That the words are just a ritual for getting us into the same psychic space and the actual communication occurs via telepathy.
So glamour is a dream. And a grammar is, what, a special kind of dream? A useful, linguistically relevant dream. Where we assert/conceptualize connections between symbols and meanings.
And a grimoire, that's a whole chunk of the grammarly hallucinogen.
I don't think I take it too seriously, but I like that thought experiment. I think the grimoire could contain spells and spellings to shape and reshape that dream. I also like the picture below.