I like to drill holes in mine, it's not always safe to do and you should run a bit of water where you intend to drill to stop the dust, but I've saved many pots that way
For harder ceramics like these a diamand coated bit (they aren't as expensive as the name makes the seem), always use water and drill through super slow so it doesn't crack (a minute or longer).
Good luck!!
Also make sure it is a masonry/ceramic bit. In my my experience that matters more than the diamond coating (I use very cheap steel bits). Drill press is also much easier to control speed and depth, so use that if you have one
I agree with the other commenter, I tend to use a cheaper steel bit but drill slow with water running over it. If you need support for the bit, you can put a piece of tape over where you're drilling. It keeps the bit on target and the hole a bit more stable.