Is anyone else concerned about internet-connected 3D printers?
Howdy, folks!
I'm teetering on the brink of connecting my Sovol3D S06 ACE to my wireless network, but I'm pausing because this device can make physical real-world actions like:
record photos and videos using its built-in camera
shaking so much that it manages to knock itself on the floor
melting so much plastic that it dribbles all over itself and then all over everything around and beneath it
consume lots of electricity and cost me a fortune on my utilities bill
burn the house down
None of this happens in normal usage, of course, but watching it self-calibrate did make me wonder:
how safe the firmware is?
is it retrieving instructions from Sovol3D or some other party by itself?
is it sending records of my print jobs to a 3rd party?
is it sending photos and videos to a 3rd party?
how safe the firmware is once its receiving arbitrary network traffic?
All IPv4 traffic from the internet goes through a NAT/firewall that I conceivable control, but my devices all get public-facing IPv6 addresses, and the default SSH password on all of these printers is publicly-documented
I do already self-host and plan to integrate the 3D printer with it, avoiding any cloud behaviour as much as possible, but I'm wondering if anyone else has already done this and has any advice on what to avoid?
@jokeyrhyme there was a problem last year where Bambu Labs accidentally told people's printers to start printing some random object in the middle of the night.
Users expressed similar concerns.
I simply don't leave mine on when I'm not using it.