I suspect its being banned because of people using it in public without headphones or earbuds. I was submitted to that experience for an hour+ in a waiting room one time and now I fully supported the ban to prevent it from ever happening again.
I think people are likely to be as violent in most countries, but usually they have to use knives or acid or something like that. For what it's worth, I would far rather be shot than have acid thrown on me.
But yeah. It's a realistic thing that you have to take into account that you could be shot if you anger somebody.
I don't know what to say. You shouldn't be that terrified for telling someone to knock it off. I've asked people to do this many times on the bus and here I am, stabbed free.
This is a boomer level of paranoia, and the logic is akin to "I once lived next door to a serial killer, so now I assume that all of my neighbors are serial killers".