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PSA: Have you remembered not to overhype yourself?

While excitement and anticipation for a new game are natural, overhyping can be detrimental to the overall experience. When expectations become too inflated, the actual game might struggle to meet them, leading to disappointment among players. Overhyping can create unrealistic assumptions about gameplay, graphics, and features, which can result in players feeling let down even if the game is objectively good. It's important to maintain a balanced perspective, allowing the game to be enjoyed for what it is rather than what it was overhyped to be.


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  • Reminding yourself of Fallout 76 should help cool down the hype.

    • @Hanabie @ArchmageAzor
      Fallout 76 was intended to be a MMORPG, i guess, due to a MMO hype. But Bethesda has a lot of single player RPG fans because Bethesda published sccessful series like TES and FO. They tried to throw single players into a MMO game, it was a bad idea but i believe that's a lesson learned.

      • We'll see how Starfield turns out. I'll wait and see what this game looks like and make a decision after watching YouTube videos and reading reviews. Bethesda isn't an automatic buy anymore for me.

        • @Hanabie
          Alright. Do you avoid buying Bethesda games very early because of your experience with FO76? I never played it because its MMO but heard both good and bad comments about it.

          • Yes. I generally avoid most games on release day and wait for reviews. Some time ago, I stopped preordering, too, ever since No Man's Sky.

            • @Hanabie
              So did i, until starfield. Will be my first preorder because i need to do my own mistakes 😖😅. I have been fine with older Bethesda games i played years after release.

              • Maybe it's an awesome game and my worries unfounded. More great stuff to play is always good :)

      • And 76 wasn't all that bad. There were a lot of really great elements in it that, had 76 instead been a single player game (or at the most a co-op game), it'd have been much more well received.

        The world was fun, the new monsters are cool, the combat was basically the same as FO4.