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Left-wing manga!(?)

What are your left wing manga/anime recommendations? I only got Ninpu Kamui Gaiden, because it is communist and ninjaic? You may shrug you shoulders, but a communist created all the ninja cliches, like a dude named Sasuke and the "Izuna Drop"! Unfortunately, the manga is from 1969, when the United States still had not erased all left-wing presence in Japan.


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  • Been reading a French manga called Radiant for a while, and while I dunno about a strictly left wing bent to the author it definitely leans that way with it's exploration of power and politics in it's setting, focused almost entirely on a subclass of people who have been othered by society trying to get by while they get demonized largely just for being made victims by an overzealous inquisition. I suppose one could read a kind of awkward allegorical reflection of our society in a similar vein to X-men being an allegory for gay people back in the 90's.

    It updates super slow though, both in part I think because of translations and of course the writer having to make the thing

    Edit: having just caught up I revise my statement after reading the latest chapter: it was based and so is the manga

    • I remember almost checking this out, but then it had massive Shonen vibes so I never got around to it. Might have to check this out now though

      • I mean it definitely indulges in shonen tropes, but it gets better as it goes on and stuff can develop beyond the One Piece/Fairy Tale beginning exposition dump style. In fact I'd say it's a good mature companion to Fairy Tale where that's like baby's first anime/manga.

        • Yeah, I mean I'll check it out then. I'd imagine I can get past the shonen stuff. As I've gotten older those tropes just are a lot less interesting than before.