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People who raised their kids without exposing them far too much to smartphones, tablets and modern tech, how did you do it? Were there any challenges involved?

I'm 22 years old, not in a relationship and I don't have any kids yet so I'm just asking out of curiosity.


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  • It’s tough because you don’t want them to be technically inept in this day and age. There is also peer pressure amongst friends and a certain social status that for better or worse matters to them.

    It’s a balance between unrestricted access and a reasonable amount. We keep them busy enough that it’s never a question. They really only come out on long car rides and trips. We don’t use them in the home at all.

    Very rarely at a restaurant, only when it’s large family affair at a place we won’t normally go. I used to judge people throwing screens in front of kids at restaurants but let me tell you it’s better than chasing them around. They get a treat, the screen, for behaving and I get to enjoy a nice meal.