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Hey could we defederate with

The instance seems to be mostly right wing trolls. I know defederating is unpopular but I don't think much is to be lost in this case and it can save the mods some headaches.

Edit: the response on to my reporting of transphobia. Courtesy of the "second in command"


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  • Don't de-federate unless they're allowing the planning of violence, CSAM material, or actual abuse.

    As a leftist I see it like this:

    Blocking someone is: "I don't want to see this"

    De-federating is: "I don't want you to see this"

    Blocking someone is: Ignoring a person saying bigoted things.

    De-federating is: Jailing a person saying bigoted things.

    If you can't handle people saying shit you don't like then you need thicker skin. If you can't engage in a conversation with a person who shares an opinion that you fine distasteful then you need to seek maturity.

    If you can't disagree with someone without physically attacking them, then you don't deserve to be part of a community. If you can't exist without abusing another person, then you don't deserve to be part of a community.

    • As a leftist you should be familiar with the paradox of tolerance and the dangers of giving a platform to hateful ideas.

      • I'm familiar with the Paradox of Tolerance and its propensity to be wielded like a cudgel when someone wants to be intolerant of an idea.

        Who gets to decide which ideas are the bad kind of intolerance and which are the good kind of intolerance?

        I say we should be intolerant of people who use force to spread their message. I say we should be intolerant of people who would shut down a conversation over a disagreement.

        We absolutely should not federate with instances who allow for the promotion of violence or other kinds of direct action against groups of people. If Exploding Heads allows that then I agree we should de-federate. From what I can see it's your standard right-wing instance. I disagree with a lot of opinions expressed there but I can handle blocking people and filtering my own reality. I don't need someone else to do it for me.

    • lol, defederating is not anything like jail

      • Federating is like sitting at a big table with a bunch of people in a restaurant.
      • Blocking is moving a couple seats down from someone who's being an asshole so you can't hear them anymore (but meanwhile they're still harassing your friends, you're just ignoring it)
      • Defederating is separating the group so that you're no longer at the table with the asshole and their asshole friends

      Now, in a tolerant society, we should be tolerant of people who are merely annoying. But not people who are normalizing violence and hate. There are people you fundamentally should not sit at a table with.

      It's important to understand the difference between a good faith disagreement and bad faith propaganda and harassment campaigns, which is what the right wing troll farms deal in.

      • Defederating is separating the group so that you’re no longer at the table with the asshole and their asshole friends

        The issue is that you're no longer choosing who you interact with you're choosing who everyone interacts with. You're walking away with a table that other people are sitting at. This isn't Reddit you're not banning their subreddit, they're not deplatformed, you're just adding them to the block list of everyone on your instance.

        You have no right to tell me what I can see and respond to anymore than I have a right to tell you who you can and cannot block.

    • As I quipped about earlier, based on what a lot of people are saying in here it's kinda bullshit that we de-federated lemmygrad then. But to your point we just need a short list of things that will defed over so that policy can be applied consistently.

      These big discussion threads on the main community here have actually had a lot of healthy discussion in them which is encouraging. All of these things are just initial growing pains that the broader lemmysphere is going through right now to find its footing. Things will even out.

      • I don't know the lemmygrad situation but I'd likely agree. If they're not spreading violence or CSAM or engaging in abusive activity (doxing, SWATing, targeted harassment, etc) then I think the filtering of communities should be left to the users. Moderation is to ensure that an instance isn't overran by spam or bot postings so that the users can communicate.

        I don't need a Big Brother deciding who I can and cannot talk to and which opinions I can and cannot be exposed to.

    • Wait, whats the argument against jailing shitty people? No one's abusing them or attacking them just nobody wants to hang with them in any way shape or form.