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WSJ: The West Reckons With Beijing’s Neocommunism Opinion | The West Reckons With Beijing’s Neocommunism

It’s more tech-based than Lenin’s model and more dangerous. The U.S. needs to treat it seriously.

Opinion | The West Reckons With Beijing’s Neocommunism

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  • While Xi Jinping likely spends little time reading Marx’s “Grundrisse” or debating the labor theory of value with his comrades

    this is such a stupid mischaracterization. xi literally has a doctorate in marxism from tsinghua university, he's definitely read more of marx than the author of this bullshit. this whole thing reeks of having zero understanding of marxism or leninism.

    • I'm pretty sure that nobody with any actual understanding of Marxism or Leninism would be let anywhere close to writing articles in western media.

      • One time I was interviewed at a strike, they did not write that article

        • Same way we never hear about mass protests happening in western countries like France, while any protest in a place like China will get wall to wall coverage. Propaganda through selective reporting is very effective.