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Should beehaw ditch NGINX for Caddy?

I've recently been wondering if Lemmy should switch out NGINX for Caddy, while I hadn't had experience with Caddy it looks like a great & fast alternative, What do you all think?

EDIT: I meant beehaw not Lemmy as a whole


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  • The problems I see with Lemmy performance all point to SQL being poorly optimized. In particular, federation is doing database inserts of new content from other servers - and many servers can be incoming at the same time with their new postings, comments, votes. Priority is not given to interactive webapp/API users.

    Using a SQL database for a backend of a website with unique data all over the place is very tricky. You have to be really program the app to avoid touching the database and create queues and such when you can. Reddit (at lest 9 years ago when they open sourced it) is also based on PostgreSQL - and you will see they do not do live inserts into comments like Lemmy does - they queue them using something other than the main database then insert them in batch.

    email MTA apps I've seen do the same thing, they queue files to disk before putting into the main database.

    I don't think nginx is the problem, the bottleneck is the backend of the backend, PostgreSQL doing all that I/O and record locking.

    • nginx 100% isn't the problem, and you're right on all counts. I'll also add that I've seen reports that Lemmy has some pretty poorly optimized SQL queries.

      They need to add support for a message broker system like RabbitMQ. That way their poor postgres instance stops being the bottleneck.

      • PostgreSQL is tricky to get right and I can't fault anyone for wanting different solution like RabbitMQ to workaround it. One of the thing I did back in the day was that when dealing with high-write traffic and the data itself is not mission critical, I would set up a tmpfs on Linux for specified amount of RAM to serves as a cache to create a duplicate of the same data table used for storing on SSD/HDD and then I create a view that combines them both where it would check the cache first before querying the HDD/SSD.

        During an insert/update statement, it would trigger a condition that increment a variable (semaphore) and if reached a certain value, it would run a partitioned check on the cache table and scan for any old data that aren't in active use based on timestamp and then have those written to HDD/SSD as well as writing to HDD/SSD if the data have been on cache long enough. Doing it this way, i was able to increase the throughput more than a 100 folds and still have data that can be retained on database.

        Obviously, there are going to be some additional risks incurred by doing this like putting your data on a volatile memory although it's less of a risk on ECC Memory on Servers. If the power goes out, whatever stored on the RAM would be gone, so I assumed in cloud they would have backup power and other solutions in place to ensure it doesn't happen. They might have a network outage, but it's rare for servers to do a hard fail.

    • Hm, that's an interesting take. To be quite honest I saw issues with diesel-rs in production on another website I was contributing too, maybe it's the issue?

      • I doubt it is anything that level. The problem is the data itself, in the database.

        A reddit-like website is like email, every load from the database has unique content. You really have to be very careful when designing for scalability when almost all the data is unique. Especially in modern times where users block other users, and even 2 people loading the same posting do not get the same comments. It's anti-cache, and you have to really work hard to design that to run efficiently on small servers.

        As opposed to a website like Amazon where the listing for a toothbrush is not unique on every page load. There aren't new comments and new votes altering the toothbrush listing every time a user refreshes the page. And people aren't switching brands of toothbrush every 24 hours like the front page of Reddit abandons old data and starts with fresh data.

        Lemmy is kind of the reason some apps go NoSQL design.