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United States vs. Trump, Docket #67656604-15 Reply in Support – #15 in United States v. TRUMP (D.D.C., 1:23-cr-00257) –

REPLY in Support by USA as to DONALD J. TRUMP re 10 MOTION for Protective Order (Gaston, Molly) (Entered: 08/07/2023)

This is brutal for team ShitGibbon.


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  • Jack Smith mentions "trial by public opinion" a shit-ton of times. Nice to finally see someone standing up to the orange kumquat's bullying and stupidity.

    Looking forward to Friday's skirmish. :)

    • While I think plenty of people have been standing up to him, it’s good to see someone like Jack Smith put a name to what Trump has been doing.

      Trump’s strategy is to conflate the legal battles and the political battles, all the while having them reinforce each other. I wonder what a gag order would do to this strategy?

      • There has to be a gag order in this eventually. Fucking Trump can't help himself talking about his legal woes.

        • Whatever order comes down - protective, gag, or other - my main curiosity is "What happens when Trump disobeys that order?"

          Yes, his tack here is to muddle legal with political, but his foundational approach to everything is "I'm going to do whatever I want, I dare you to stop me or apply any sort of real consequence."

          Whatever happens when Trump disobeys the judge's order will be the canary in the coal mine, not just for this case, but for the literal future of the nation, and quite possibly the world.

        • They want to avoid that until the absolute only option that's left is that. Because gag orders are very problematic of the first amendment, and his strategy is entirely trying to make this a referendum on his first amendment rights.

          If they don't issue a gag order there's nothing he's being charged with that the first amendment will protect him from. If they do? His argument gets that much stronger.

          He is pushing the limits purposefully. He wants a gag order. But he wants it without actually breaking the existing order (which his post over the weekend did not do). If he breaks that he faces additional felonies and they'll be consecutive punishments.

          So don't feed into the public demand for retribution, that feeds trump. Let justice grind it's course. The judge and prosecuting attorney are both being meticulous and acting faster than anyone could reasonably expect.