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Iris White on Black

Iris Rev 6 with MT3 White on Black and hand lubed Durock T1 switches. Case was 3D printed by TreeDogStudio.


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  • Nice looking keyboard. How do you like the MT3 keycaps?

    • I actually really like them. The only other profiles I've tried are XDA and OEM (naturally), and MT3 feels like the best of them. My fingers just kind of fall right into the center of the cap every time because of their scoop.

      • I’s my also my favorite - I got 7 MT3 sets and one in the mail :-)

        • I bet that set you back a bit lol. Which ones do you have?

          • MT3 sets:

            -White on Black
            -Black on White
            -/dev/tty (one with R4 and one with R5)
            -biip MT3 Extended
            -biip MT3 Operator (in the mail)
            -MiTo MT3 Cyber
            -MattM3o MT3 3277