It might be ironic that a premier who doesn't use her legal first name is now the 'champion' of preventing others from using alternative names to their legally recognized first name.
I remember when Doug Ford was just Rob Ford's (mayor of Toronto) brother. I had heard that Doug went vegan or vegetarian after working in a slaughterhouse during his adolescence. During the pandemic as premier he introduced new 'Ag-gag' laws that criminalize people exposing illegal animal cruelty on farms and whatnot - doing essentially the most non-vegan/vegetarian thing one could do with their new political power.
Other than believing there's a natural social hierarchy and that they're at the top of it, Conservatives don't have principles as far as I can tell, or at least they're incredibly hypocritical, or they believe in-group vs out-group status matters above all else. I find them morally and rationally absurd