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Have encountered racism, hate speech or homophobia on the fediverse yet?

If so, do you consistently report it and get the feeling that it gets dealt with? Of course there are instances dedicated solely to being human trash


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  • The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Bigotry as "obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot". How is the firm belief that someone is wrong and should be censored based on... just one's own opinions and prejudices not bigotry then?

    Another thing that bothers me is how Marxist, Stalinist, and Maoist communities are considered absolutely fine but opposing ideologies are automatically considered bigoted. Why is that?

    This reply is not meant as an attack. I'm all for expression and freedom of speech and am genuinely curious, who decides what is punishable bigotry and what is not.

    • Did you really just "people against bigotry are the real bigots" me? Haha

      • Did you just paraphrase me wrongly to make fun of me and invalidate my point?

        • How is the firm belief that someone is wrong and should be censored based on... just one's own opinions and prejudices not bigotry then?


          • How?

            • How what? "No" I didn't paraphrase you wrongly. You really are saying that being against bigotry is bigotry. A sophomoric stance often used to argue that all bigotry should be allowed.

              I can only imagine why someone would want more bigotry on any given site.

              • You did paraphrase me wrongly as I've said none of those things.

                I asked a question. You put words into my mouth and painted me as a villain.

                If anything, you are being completely dishonest and malicious and this conversation is going nowhere.