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New Polling Shows Significant Ukrainian Support for Diplomacy to End the War New Polling Shows Significant Ukrainian Support for Diplomacy to End the War

There is more dissent from the Zelensky government’s war aims than may appear.

New Polling Shows Significant Ukrainian Support for Diplomacy to End the War

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  • The actual losses for Russia amount to around 57k as a western source that shows its methodology reports. So, not sure where these millions are coming from

    Meanwhile, nowhere did I say that Russia can't stop the war. What I said is that it makes absolutely no sense for Russia to do that. The war started because of NATO expansion eastwards as Stoltenberg has openly admitted. If Russia stops the war, then NATO will just continue doing what it was doing previously in Ukraine. All the effort and all the lives lost will have been for nothing. Russia has to win this war decisively.

    Also, you keep talking about Putin as if he runs the country in dictatorial fashion. That is a perspective divorced from reality. At this point vast majority of people in Russia support the war because they now understand that the west is their enemy. They saw western reaction towards Russians after the war started, and they can plainly see now that the west viscerally hates Russians. Putin is considered a moderate, and the main criticism of Putin in Russia today is that he's being too cautious and not showing enough force.

    What will happen in the end is that Russia will win and dictate terms, the only question is how many more people have to die before westerners accept that.