My character is lvl 160 in NG+, should I speedrun the progression to get to the new DLC?
I'm not the best in soulslikes, and I'm wondering if I'm fubar because NG makes stuff harder. Should I just do a replay of the main game on a fresh character?
I literally hadn't even started the NG+ playthrough, I'm at the first Grace 😅
Not nessecary. My character was 154 with 38 vigor when I started the dlc. Nothing one-shotted me like a lot of people claim, not even the first dungeon boss.
Yes, things hit harder but it's a totally new Elden Ring experience. I have the same feeling as playing through a first playthrough. Everything is new and mysterious, you dont know what an enemy will do or what becomes an enemy when you draw close. Its amazing!
enemies in the DLC scale to your level, at 0 DLC incoming/outcoming damage upgrades (those fragmentd you find around the world, forgot their name), literally no matter your level, you're going to get one/two shotted by quite frankly most enemies.
(especially if you started feeling too good about yourself in the base game and your gear reflects that)
At first I was worried a bit that I'd have a too easy time playing with my level 222 character- but I quickly got reminded what game I'm playing when the first enemy I encountered humbled me fast