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California blew it on bail reform. Now Illinois is showing it works. Editorial: California blew it on bail reform. Now Illinois is showing it works

California got cold feet on bail reform as voters rejected a groundbreaking program to eliminate money from pretrial release decisions. Now Illinois shows it can work.

Editorial: California blew it on bail reform. Now Illinois is showing it works

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  • I'm in Illinois, and my entire family thought I was nuts for supporting bail reform. My cop brother said that we'd have hordes of criminals on the street causing more crime, and my parents again voiced how they "want to move out of state" (because Indiana is sooooooo much better /s). They never could answer why paying to be set free until court was so central to security because it never made sense to tie pre-trial lock up with ability to pay.

    They never bring it up anymore, and for that, I'm grateful.