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Blue Dream


Author: Newrein
Characters: Reimu Hakurei


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  • Hi there! just informed me we have a Touhou group here, so you guys get a crosspost from my main. I hope I formatted it right. Enjoy!

    • Hi, nice blu-rei you got here. There is one rule regarding the formatting: include source link. Author and characters fields are there to simplify searching and aren't a hard requirements, but nice to have. Could you add a pixiv link?

      Also small tip: add "\" (backward slash) to the end of Author field to make Characters field take a new line. Markdown is strange.

      • Oh, whoops. The way I formatted the pixiv link before, it didn't display in Lemmy. I've corrected it now. As whimsical as my posts are, I'm very serious about giving proper credit and source links.

        Lemmy and Mbin use different flavors of Markdown, and Lemmy requires a backslash or two spaces to do a line break.

        • I didn't know about two spaces. This markdown flavor is double strange for me now. Relying on invisible characters isn't sane imo.