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Recently started working on a collection of nix-colors adapters, what do you think?

You can change the color theme of your whole desktop with a single line of code.

Currently supported adapters:

  • Adwaita (GTK3, GTK4)
  • Alacritty
  • dunst
  • Firefox (hijacking the default theme with userchrome.css)
  • GTK2
  • Kvantum
  • Rofi
  • swaylock
  • Wezterm

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nixos Vojtěch Fošnár
Recently started working on a collection of nix-colors adapters, what do you think?

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  • Seems like a good idea!

    Does it relate to stylix or ThemeNix? Does it do something different? (I haven't tried any of these so I'm not clear on how they compare.)

    • Thanks, I didn't know about these two.

      It looks like ThemeNix can't declaratively apply styles to Firefox and it's module system is limited.

      Talking stylix

      base16.nix allows you to import colours from base16 into Nix code. Stylix takes this a step further:

      • Automatically colours and changes the font of apps Sets your wallpaper
      • Exports the colour scheme to be used manually for anything we missed
      • Can also generate themes based on an image

      Looks like stylix has a similar goal, but goes too far in my opinion. I will try it out and consider contacting the author about sharing some configs. Also doesn't support accent color and supports different adapters than mine (doesn't theme Firefox but has more other themes).