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Foundation - Season 2 Episode 2 Discussion (Spoilers)

Please no book spoilers in this thread. This thread can contain TV spoilers up to season 2 episode 2.

Air Date: July 21st 2023


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  • I liked this episode a little bit better than the last one. I'm getting a little bit better feel for where things are headed. Salvor and Gaal are still the most uninteresting part of this show for me, but that could change if they actually start doing things to influence the rest of the plot.

    I wish there was more technical explanation of how Gaal and Salvor could see the future and the past. Is this based on anything or is it basically just magic? I remember in the beginning of season 1 Gaal was partially awake during that subspace transit. I thought they would bring that up again as to how it messed up her mind in some quantum weirdness, but I guess not.

    As for Cleon this episode. I'm surprised he didn't just kill this woman on the spot. His temper and arrogance in the past made it seem like he would find her unacceptably insulting. It's also surprising that there doesn't need to be some kind of unanimous agreement among the entire Cleon tree as they call it for such drastic decisions like ending the Cleon cloning lineage. Day apparently has this authority on his own?