I'm looking for play testers for my wacky Stanley Parable inspiredgame to give me honest opinion. If you are fan of those types of games, let's play : )
Hello, I'm close to releasing my third game called Do Not Press The Button (To Delete The Multiverse) so I would like to get some feedback from players. My only conditions is that you let me watch you play because I need to see player reactions and ask questions at specific moments (whether a level works as intended, or a joke lands properly). Usually it's very chill, fun and we have a great time! Here is the game's Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336120/Do_Not_Press_The_Button_To_Delete_The_Multiverse/
Comment here or message me if you want to try it and give me some feedback!
If you're still looking for folk to playtest your game, I'd be down to give it a go! I've not done that kinda stuff before, but I have played an unhealthy amount of games, including the Stanley Parable. c: